Get Xbox 360 Games Free - The Smartest Way

I know the title is for Xbox but it also applicable to other console Xbox 360, Xbox, PS3, PS2, Nintendo Wii, Gamecube, PC and also Dreamcast. ok keep on reading.

have you got bored with the games collection that you have? play them over and over again? you want to add some more games in your collection but can't afford to buy them? well here i am to tell you how to get Xbox 360 games for free!

I have been playing Xbox for quite sometimes. I like to play games with good storyline. Halo 3, prince of persia to name some games that really had me playing non stop. But non of these beat my top favorite game, Final Fantasy! I have to say i'm a big fan of the game. I usually stick on one game at a time. I only change to another game after i finish playing the game. So i don't have much game in hand.

After i finish the game, problem comes up. I can't find games i wanted for fair amount of price, in my sense cheap. Xbox game is expensive in the market and in addition to that, my parents restrict any financial support for me to buy games. Its a way for my parents to ask me to focus on other thing like study. But that is not a problem anymore after i know the trick to get free Xbox games!

Game Copy Wizard is a software that enable you to copy and make a backup for the Xbox 360 games. initially gamers use it to make a backup of the game afraid that the game will corrupt and it can't be played anymore. One thing they try to avoid is to buy the exact game again because it is expensive. i make a good use of Game Copy Wizard to get Xbox game free. Here is how i do it.

All you need is a computer and the game that you want to make a copy. install the software and get the Xbox game insert into the driver and start burn the game into the CD or DVD. Here is what i do, i borrow Xbox games from my friends which is more fortunate to have them just by asking their parents and i do the trick. And that's it i have a new game! Usually the games can't be copy completely because of the built in protector but Game copy Wizard can go through the so called unbreakable protector. The copy of the game can be play as usual.

So that is my trick to have free Xbox 360 games. If i can do it so do you. Remember you do not have to spend money anymore if you have Game Copy Wizard, just do like what i have done and you can get all the Xbox games in the market.

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